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All souls given different paths.

October 11, 2020

All souls are given different paths for each soul is sacred and unique. Affirm as best you can the sacredness of all souls. You may have difficulty in seeing how another’s path could possibly be leading in the right direction, but what is the right direction? If you are heading toward the center and you start from the far south, you must go north. If you are heading toward the center and you start from the far north, you must go south. To the traveler going north, the southbound traveler appears to be going totally in the wrong direction, but it is not up to either traveler to evaluate the path another takes. All souls travel as they must, but all souls become the Spirit Center. All arrive at the center of creation, the center of love, the center of support, the center of care, compassion, the center of vision, the point of perfect balance.

Accept your path. Know that you are on the path you must be. Listen with the heart, see with the heart, and reach with the heart.

All souls given different paths.
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