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Nothing created is worthy of destruction

October 15, 2023

There is nothing that has been created that is worthy of destruction. What has been created deserves to flourish. What has been created deserves to find balance. What has been created deserves to understand relationships that are surrounding one. You’re given eyes to see and ears to hear, but most importantly you have been given a spiritual heart that has within it a vision of understanding, a vision of knowing, a vision of cherishing the search, the growth.
You are blessed in your pursuit of peace.
You are blessed in your pursuit of heart vision.
You are blessed in your pursuit of balance.
You are blessed in your pursuit of what it means to be loving.
You are blessed by the love that you are given by others.
Grasp those blessings. Hold them close within. Let them provide strength that enables you to pursue your life with less stress, with more patience, with greater compassion, and with the strength to increase the loving presence that you can be on the journeys ahead.

Nothing created is worthy of destruction

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