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Relationships with others are also with God.

September 13, 2020

Denying the creative force is denying the validity of others, denying the importance of some parts of nature at the expense of affirming others. Your relationships with one another are in truth your relationships with God.

You are loved because you belong to the ultimate harmony that is God. Even when you deny that harmony, there is a connection, a tendon, that keeps you tethered to that Spirit Center. God is life. God is life after human life. God is life before human life. God is life before the planets that you know existed. God is life before the sun, before all the suns. God is life before the formation of all the universes.

You affirm the sacredness of life and thereby affirm the sacredness of God. By denigrating the value of life, you serve to reject the constant presence that is God. Such a rejection does not alter God’s presence but merely clouds your sense of connection to that presence. When you care for all that exists, you are in effect showing and expressing gratitude to God.

Relationships with others are also with God.
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