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God’s will is done through you.

January 26, 2025

God is love, but love can be defined in more understood terms if you acknowledge that love is a recognition that all belong in that flow of spirit, that flow of energy. You all belong to that river, and when you are all moving together in that river, you are becoming that river, and there is harmony. There is consonance. There is balance, for the balance we speak of is a balance of belonging, not resisting that spirit presence.

How do you know if you are moving on a daily basis together with the river or in opposition to it? You begin to recognize that through the vision of the heart. This vision allows you to see evidence around you that God is indeed present. It does not mean that you close your eyes to tensions and difficulties, fears and anxieties, for those are part of your experience as human beings. But it is saying in effect, “Despite all of these difficulties, what can I observe that shows me that the energy that is God is indeed present?” What is the signpost that reminds you of the direction of that spiritual energy? That’s the rock you stand upon and look down upon the river. You see from whence it came, and you see where it is headed. It is then you can make a conscious commitment, not to cross to the other side and continue on your way, but to be part of that river, to be part of that energy, to be part of the creative Spirit Center that you call God.

This is far more than just praying that God will intervene. God does not intervene. It is you who join that spirit energy. You join the river. You become a part of what God is. You are the hands, arms, eyes, and heart of God, and it is through your efforts, not only individually but collectively, that God’s will is done. What is meant is that it is through your efforts, insight, and heart vision that allow you and others with whom you interact to become part of that flow, part of the river. Look, therefore, to find evidence that there is a river, and it has a direction, and even though you may be walking in a barren desert and in great discomfort and concern, there is a source of refreshment. There is a source of nourishment, the river, and that is God’s presence.

God’s will is done through you.

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