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Pray for those whom you find challenging.

January 12, 2025

Pray for those whom you find difficult or challenging in your day-to-day life, for it is in those prayers that there is an energy of reconciliation. Any prayers that you offer with love toward the highest benefit of spirit will be answered, and part of the answer to those prayers is a deepening of a condition necessary for reconciliation.

Strife involves more than one person. It doesn’t mean that both are offensive toward one another, but both are impacted by that strife, the one who feels it is necessary to be right, to be dominant, but the other experiences that tension as a victim. Anytime there is strife, there is pain that is felt on both sides of the conflict.

Praying for another is opening that window for reconciliation to begin. That reconciliation involves forgiveness that is exercised in both directions. It is those acts of reconciliation that provide that energy that reaches outward to be a true reflection of the presence of God that you pray for.

Pray for those whom you find challenging.

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