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There is more to life than you realize.

January 5, 2025

At a time when you are aware of such suffering and such injustice, it is important to acknowledge that growth is occurring. The power of the Spirit Center is expanding because of your presence. Each of you has a role to play in this totality of creation.

If there is one wish for all human beings it would be an acknowledgement that there is more to life than what you are aware of. There is a mystery to that unknown. There is a kind of magic to that mystery, for in acknowledging the existence of what is unknown, you are drawn forward on your journey. You are being pulled toward a greater understanding. In the process, your heart vision is opened, and in the midst of crises, you can find grounds for the joy that can be felt through your commitment to expand and to evolve and to draw ever more close to the creating Spirit that is God.

Be comforted in the glimpses you have of that Spirit Center. Be guided in your growing awareness of the connection that all people have with one another. Affirm your own growth. Affirm the growth of all, and bring a sense of peace which is the real joy into your hearts.

There is more to life than you realize.

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