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You are united to all and one with God.

December 29, 2024

For countless years, spiritual leaders have spoken of the importance of love, human love. In the last few centuries, that understanding of what it means to be loving has expanded. There have been many cultures in the past that loved the earth, for it is the giver of life, and it is the container that embraces the transition to new life. Those cultures have welcomed the earth as essential in all ways. They have believed the earth is to be loved, and they have believed the earth loved in return. It is not so much a human love but a connection to spirit. Gradually more of the human energy-form is learning a greater application for love. They are learning how to love the earth, how to love the environment that surrounds them, that love being a connection, a feeling of belonging. The environment, the earth you stand on, belongs to you and you belong to all of that because you dwell in that energy of light.

Acknowledge this loving light of spiritual connectedness. You are all bound together. You are bound to us. You and we belong to that river of light, and we are part of the creator of that river, both its source and its destiny. Find comfort in the unity that you can feel for one another, the unity that you can feel with those who are superficially different or threatening. You are united to the stars, to the galaxies, to the universes. You are one with God.

You are united to all and one with God.

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